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Thursday, January 13, 2011


Well...when all was said and done, we ended up with just about the biggest snowfall since we moved back to MA 10 years ago. The snow tapered off around 5pm. We bundled up the kids and headed out to investigate. It was CRAZY deep so we stayed on the porch and dug out some fun. In no time we had carved out our own little Snowy Six Flags complete with High Dive, Snow Slide, Snow Fort w/ Escape Tunnel, and Snowy Hobbit House Hideaway. The kids have never seen anywhere near this much snow and had a BLAST bombing around in it. Mama and I did as well. Here's some pics:

The boy and I.

Navigating the Eastern Passage

I Can't Put My Arms Down: The girl gets in on the fun

Gavin in the Snow Tunnel. That there is a load-bearing slide.

I mean, Every parent should stick their kids on top of a sketchy snow pile and take their picture, right?

Family Pic. I hung the camera on the outside sconce and used the timer on the camera...took 5 tries to get this.

All in all, it was such a fantastic time. I'm sure that there's families all over the area who got to have some crazy snow fun with their families over the past 48 hours. I was blessed in that my work was cancelled (We own vans and transport clients, if our local schools are closed, so are we) for 2 days, so i got to spend tons of time both in and outdoors with my family. Now don't get me wrong, I absolutely LOVE my job, but being able to hang at home while 20 inches of snow dumped on our town...that's the kind of stuff you relish in the moment and cherish in memories forever.

Wow, that last line was a little campy, to make up for it...I give you:

Frozen Beard

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