We take calculated risks all the time. It's an essence of our everyday lives.
Every decision we make....usually involves some element of this.
A calculated risk is where you weigh the consequences of your decisions before you make them. Is the juice worth the squeeze? Sometimes this takes years to come to a decision on...other times it happens in a split second. You play situations out in your head to come to anticipated conclusions before they are a reality.....then you decide if it's in the best interest of your ultimate goal....you either go for it or sack it.
This happens everyday on a thousand different levels...you take a calculated risk when you decide to cut a bagel in half or when you merge out into traffic or decide to accept a mortgage rate on a home. It happens when you decide to do something as simple as shave or pass someone on the highway. Our minds are geared to constantly weigh variables and predetermine outcomes. Here's what I was faced with today...
"Daddy...can I jump off the dresser onto the big bed?"
In an instant I was faced with a myriad of situations, equations, scenarios....is this in the best interest of the development and well being of my child? Should I, as the voice of reason, encourage this or deter this? How far is the nearest Emergency Room? Could he bite through his tongue if he falls hard enough? all this goes through my head....then the ultimate decision gets made....fairly astute kid.....huge King sized bed/landing area....hospital not TOO far away....
..."Go for it"....
Once the risks were calculated and the decisions were made...here's what played out...
the "Dresser Daredevil Dive"....
After several solo successes...we recalculated and decided that he'd have no problem clearing his sister.....enter "The Girl"...
Our society progresses when we make calculations and take well thought out risks....There's a huge difference between being "safe" and being "sheltered"....
...Calculate, Weigh it out, and Go For It.
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